Your brain sends messages down your spinal cord, through the spinal nerves to every cell, tissue, and organ of your body. Healthy spinal structure and spinal curves allow maximal energy to flow through your body. It also provides core strength and flexibility for optimal performance.
Accidents, injuries, or just stresses of everyday life
Due to trauma or stresses of everyday life - individual SPINAL SEGMENTS or entire sections of your spine can shift from their normal healthy positions and impact your overall health, vitality, and strength. A spinal shift not only weakens and collapses that one area of the spine, it can also affect the rest of your spine. A collapse in the overall spinal structure is reflected in your POSTURE.
Postural distortions can cause full spine tension, compression, and stress to the spinal cord resulting in depleted energy through the body. As a result, energy-starved tissues can begin to degenerate, become diseased and accelerate the aging process in your body.
While pain is an obvious sign that something is wrong, pain doesn't always come to surface when someone has postural distortions. We recommend everyone get checked at our clinic to see if spinal care is right for you.